Scot Noonan
Larry Kerr
Brian Smith
Barry Jacklin
Dwane Guy
Gary Guy
Mike Howe
Pat Howe
Lynn Harris
Donna Shelleau
Thom Shelleau
Beatrice Shelleau
Jennifer Patterson
Derek Patterson
Denise Patterson
Tara DiBerardino
Please send us your contact information
and if applicable, a brief description of
any experience you may have in dealing
with Official Plans, Environmental Issues,
or Political Policies. Or simply just let us know the reason you support our cause.
We will add your name to our list within 24 hours. Thank you for your concerns for this
remote treasure and it's resources.
April Solomon
Amber Solomon
Jason Solomon
Toni Solomon
Mark Solomon
Autumn Solomon
Tom Selvers
Bill Giggie
Dave Thomas
Nancy Chisolm
John F. Moore
Liz Roberts
Paul Noonan
Amanda Noonan
Angel Card
Mike Severin
Michael Bass
Jan Tillcock
Laura Gilbert-Luce
John Karek
Kristina Pindal
Dale Desrochers
Carolyn Kormendi
Cynthia Ward
Karen McGloin Brunetta
Karen Stephenson
Peter McLean
Angela McLean
Paul Harpley
Diane Quesnel
Steve Noonan
Julia Noonan
Judy Noonan
Mike Noonan
Shiela Noonan
Eva Eaton
Bill Boyd-Wilson
Jens Pindal
Peter Greenlaw
Douglas Rotchell
Mary Rotchell
Brett Rotchell
Camilla Willings
Pam Rose
Royston Robinson
Steve Fitch
Rebecca Harrison-White
Kelly Gravelle
Paula McMaster
Ira Vaughn
Christine Irwin-Mcgillivray
Jason Lefebvre
Leanne Propp
Mike Quesnel
Ernie Lefebvre
Christine Poitras
Monique Quesnel-Ouellet
Pascale Larose
Christine Rounding
Marshall Lake, A Very Narrow Waterway,
Formerly Known as The Hall River.
No other lakes or rivers, such as Lake Nipissing or The French River Waterways can be accessed by boat from Marshall Lake. Pollutants from excessive boat traffic will accumulate in this lake and eventually contaminate the streams leading to the French River Waterway, jeopardizing the spawning grounds of many fish species throughout the area. It will be overfished and the aquatic plant life of the marsh will no longer be able to filter the water. Marshall Lake will die. Please support our very worthy cause, and rescue Marshall Lake before it's too late.
Marshall Lake Today
We must keep it free from Commercialized Camping
And Preserve It's Natural Beauty Forever
Dorian Beauvais
Germaine Cartier
Denise Rounding
Rachel Rounding
Normand Lefebvre
Mike Quesnel
Melissa Therrien
Alise Rehman
Claire Larose
Caroline Comeau
Shane Doyle
Shea L. lambert
Frank.L.Goodall & Sons
Kindiogami Camp